At 02:33 PM 1/24/02 -0800, you wrote:
>> I guess I only thought I'd get out of this hobby. Last week I got this
>> <> in the mail. This is from
>> a deal that I've had working for over a year. I've got it running and it
>> works nice!
>My condolences, and here I thought you were going to be an insperation to us
>all and prove that it is possible to recover from the classic computer
>addiction! :^( I guess it just goes to prove everyone here is doomed !
I'm afraid so. But I have cut back to four classic computers, HP 85, HP
9825, MDS-800 and HP IPC. Damm, I'm forgotton how big my house was when
it's not full of computers.
>Welcome back :^)
> Zane
Received on Fri Jan 25 2002 - 08:33:06 GMT