LEAST valuable collectibles (was: Apple II boards

From: Alexander Schreiber <als_at_thangorodrim.de>
Date: Sat Jan 26 15:45:12 2002

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 10:13:02PM +0000, Tony Duell wrote:
> >
> > Lawrence LeMay said:
> > > Cmon, what could possibly be less valuable than an Apple ][+? A C64
> > > perhaps...
> [...]
> > non-current printers
> Well, if anyone knows a source of HPIL printers, or even good HPIB ones
> (in the UK, please), let me know. They are a lot more valuable than C64s,
> etc, and there's no obvious replacement still being made...

For HPIB you might try to look for the HP ThinkJet, it's available with
a HPIB interface too. It's a simple inkjet, with a quality comparable to
a 9 pin dot matrix printer. They are no longer made, of course, to you
should look for it the at the usual places for old hardware (including
EBay, where you also can get the ink for more reasonable (just paid $20
for 8 ink cartridges - the regular price seems to be around $ 20-25
for a single one) prices).

9./10. M?rz:   4. Chemnitzer Linux-Tag   http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/linux/tag/   
"I sense much NT in you. NT leads to Blue Screen, Blue Screen leads to 
downtime, downtime leads to suffering. NT is the path to the Dark Side."
                                               -- Ellsworth, one small voice
Received on Sat Jan 26 2002 - 15:45:12 GMT

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