WTF? (was Re: Microdata "Microprogramming Handbook")

From: Michael Passer <>
Date: Sun Jan 27 00:57:46 2002

If those terms were on an auction I were interested in,
I'd report it to Safe Harbor. I imagine eBay frowns on
people adding their own arbitrary auction rules.

And since these terms aren't displayed on the (or even
mentioned--there's no requirement that a potential
bidder follow the "me" link in case there are onerous
terms there to examine) auction page, if I bid and
won in the last two minutes, I would file a non-
performing seller report and leave a politely
worded but clear negative feedback.

Fortunately, Microdata isn't one of my interests.
Received on Sun Jan 27 2002 - 00:57:46 GMT

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