On Sun, Jan 27, 2002 at 01:17:55AM +0000, Tony Duell wrote:
> > I found some sources of the ink cartridges on the net, but most were
> > selling them at rather high prices (around $25) - but you might get
> And presumably that's in the States, so I'd have shipping to pay on top
> :-(.
No, in Germany - I just translated all the prices to US $ because I
guess that most folks on this list are from the US of A. I'm living
in Germany and located (and bought) all the HP ThinkJet stuff there.
> > lucky on Ebay. Just recently I managed to get a set of 8 ink cartridges
> > for $15 on ebay.de - together with the two I managed to get there
> > earlier I now have a reserve of 10 ink cartridges, which should last me
> I've seen these cartridges fail in storage (even unopened) -- the
> aluminium (?) front of the 'printhead' section corroded away (large hole,
> relatively, in it). So it may not be a good idea to stock up too much.
That might also depend on the storage conditions. All the ink cartridges
for the ThinkJet that I have are - as far as I can tell without actually
putting them into the printer - in perfect condition. Just stored dry
and at room temperature.
> > quite some time. I even found the manual for the printer there for
> > $1 ;-)
> User, or service manual? The first part of the former is all pictures
It says "Owners Manual" on the front.
> with almost no text. It took me a _long_ time to figure out what some of
It _does_ contain quite a lot of pictures, especially in the first half
of the manual. But the second half of it is a reference manual which
contains things like the escape sequences needed to control the printer
and basically everything I need should I feel the urge to write a custom
driver for it.
9./10. M?rz: 4. Chemnitzer Linux-Tag http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/linux/tag/
"I sense much NT in you. NT leads to Blue Screen, Blue Screen leads to
downtime, downtime leads to suffering. NT is the path to the Dark Side."
-- Ellsworth, one small voice
Received on Sun Jan 27 2002 - 12:04:52 GMT