IBM 5362 Update

From: Colin Eby <>
Date: Sun Jan 27 16:48:30 2002

Folks --

Just a little update on a project I had posted the
list about....

... when we last saw our hero he was expecting the
arrival of a bouncing baby S/36. Alright -- so it's
really a teenager, and bouncing it hardly
appropriate.... And he was worried about getting
documentation and SSP Disks. Here's the news. The
system's here -- and I've cleaned out the cobwebs,
microvac'ing one card gingerly at a time. I found the
maintenance manual -- under the case where IBM put it
from day one. The display station arrived (costing
more than the server). Power was applied and two
wonderous things happened:

First, the lights *didn't* dim. This flat only has a
10A service and the machine's rated at 10A ( not to
mention the other beasties sharing the aforementioned
amperage). I had visions of that mammoth disk grinding
into life while the neighorhood was plunged into
darkness. I realize there are three phase 240 V
devotee's on this list. I exhort them to understand my
newbie thills at this minor first achievement, and not
scoff outloud.

Second, the silly thing actually IPL'd. I don't of
course have a valid account for it. And so I've been
hunting for installation media or hacking
instructions. I think I've located the latter, but may
end up requiring the former anyway. The diagnostic
utilities have been partially removed from the fixed
disk -- I suspect this was a space saving ploy. So
some of the applications required to read the raw disk
and seek the password file aren't available to me. For
that I will need at least the diagnostic disk. Please
volunteer suggestions on acquiring one of those (8" of

Saddly this was a much as I've achieved. The second
effort at an IPL failed -- and I'm still trying to
track down the SRC cause. I'm not begging for help on
that one just yet, though once again -- the diagnostic
disk would be helpful. Please, please volunteer
suggestions on acquiring one of those (8" of course).

More information will be forthcoming, sometime next
weekend -- probably whether anyone cares or not. I
figure I'm entitled since at least my babbling is
squarely on thread (and who knows, maybe of use to
someone browsing through the profit/non-profit/useless
classic/dual-athlon posts for a reference to
retro-machines someday). ;->~ No that was not an
open-flaming-season invitation. Just a good hearted

Your's in 16bit brotherhood,
Colin Eby
Senior Consultant
CSC Consulting

PS -- Anyone have a spare left shift key for an IBM
P70. I'm afraid I missing one, and this keyboard's
somewhat unique to the model.

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Received on Sun Jan 27 2002 - 16:48:30 GMT

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