Packrat genome project questions
The first computer I ever owned was a Commodore64. I don't
have it anymore. I ended up throwing it out. I was _not_
a member of this list then or I would have kept it or
offered it to someone.
Not sure if an HP-45 calculator counts as a "computer",
but I had that in college. I used it for several years
even when the battery died out and couldn't be replaced
(used it on the cord). Threw it out (again, not a member).
I probably would have kept it if I could have had a
replacement for the battery... (please don't tell me
there is.. sigh).
Then, I had a vt100 terminal connected to a 1200 baud
external modem. I used that to dial in to a BBS.
I don't have that anymore.
My first PC, is the one I am typing at now:
Micron Millennia MMx, P166MMX.
I now have several Apollo's and several VAXen. Also,
an IBM Thinkpad on the other side of the ocean waiting
for me to pick up.
My earliest experience with computers in college was
at a printer terminal. It was 1973 at Merrimack College.
I have no idea what it was connected to but I remember
making a "program" to print out biorhythms.
---end of "flashback".
Amsterdam, NL
On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 10:28:58AM -0800, Mike Ford wrote:
> How many people on this list still have their 1st computer? second? third?
> every computer you ever used/owned?
> The first computer I ever used was a IBM 360 via punched cards in Fortran.
> First I ever sat in front of and worked on directly was an IBM 1130 via
> selectric console running a French version of APL.
> First I ever owned was a Apple II, which I still have. Same for the next
> five I owned/used; Mac Plus, Mac IIx, Mac 7200/90, Starmax 4160, and my
> Athlon based PC.
Received on Tue Jan 29 2002 - 14:05:26 GMT
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