The first REAL computer i have used was a CDC Cyber-7600 at the
University of Stuttgart. I took a FORTRAN77 course, and we used punched
Actually, that's why i took the course...
I never owned that one. My parents would not let me 8-)
My first own computer was a 8085-based single board computer, with led
output and hex keyboard, from a small german company named "Graf
Electronik". That was in 1982.
I still have that one (it works!), and, IIRC every single one i build or
accuired later on. I am THE packrat, according to my wife...
Except for some PC's, but they don't count, i think.
On Tue, 2002-01-29 at 19:28, Mike Ford wrote:
> How many people on this list still have their 1st computer? second? third?
> every computer you ever used/owned?
> The first computer I ever used was a IBM 360 via punched cards in Fortran.
> First I ever sat in front of and worked on directly was an IBM 1130 via
> selectric console running a French version of APL.
> First I ever owned was a Apple II, which I still have. Same for the next
> five I owned/used; Mac Plus, Mac IIx, Mac 7200/90, Starmax 4160, and my
> Athlon based PC.
Michael Schneider email:
People disagree with me. I just ignore them.
(Linus Torvalds)
Received on Tue Jan 29 2002 - 14:29:58 GMT