--- Dave McGuire <mcguire_at_neurotica.com> wrote:
> On January 30, Jochen Kunz wrote:
> > ...I am looking for docs for the folowing cards:
> >
> > M7616 KXJ11-CA J11 CPU, 512-Kbyte RAM, 64-Kbyte
> > PROM
> > This is a PDP 11 on a QBus slave card, used as universal intelligent
> > peripheral controller. (Wouldn't it be nice to have a PDP 11
> > co-processor runing some 2.xBSD in a VAX? ;-) )
> Oh I would seriously *dig* this. :-) It would be great to be able
> to squirt arbitrary code into that card from a userland process. 8-)
That's what we did with the COMBOARDs (1981 - 1994) - they have a window
register near the CSR, through which you poke values into memory on the
board to load a board that had just been rebooted. I don't know
abouy the KXJ11, but the COMBOARDs also have a way for the host CPU
to restart the serial-card CPU.
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Received on Wed Jan 30 2002 - 00:59:38 GMT