A Special Announcement From Dish Network and the Armor Security Corporation

From: Jeffrey S. Sharp <jss_at_subatomix.com>
Date: Wed Jan 30 11:23:47 2002

On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, Tothwolf wrote:

> On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, Gene Buckle wrote:
> > Did this joker susbscribe to the list, spam it and then un-sub?
> He appears to have sub'd, harvested the addresses, and moved on. (Yes,
> I got a copy of this spam too)

I'm getting noticeably more spam per day now too. I think I'll change my
email address used for this list, and in the future all mail to this list
will be From: "Jeffrey S. Sharp" <classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org>.

I still get more spam from my university than from any other place. No, I
don't want to buy a class ring. No, I don't want to help the football
team fight cancer. You get the picture.

I responded angrily to a college spammer once, demanding that my address
be removed from their list. The next day I was summoned to the Dean of
Engineering's office and asked why I had sent such hateful, vulgar email
to his secretary. They demanded an apology, citing the anti-free-speech
rules that the University of Oklahoma has. I almost sued the hell out of
them, but I was a weenie and caved in.

Jeffrey S. Sharp
Received on Wed Jan 30 2002 - 11:23:47 GMT

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