--- Tony Duell <ard_at_p850ug1.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> > Not in mine... it's the farthest gear from the motor spindle that's
> > broken - it's the gear on the shaft that runs the width of the printer
> > mechanism, for one. Perhaps we have different broken gears in ours...
> Odd... In _all_ my plotters it's the motor gear that's failed. The final
> gear is much larger IIRC. Doesn't it have an anti-backlash spring in it
> as well?
I don't think so... the gear in my hand is about 2mm long, slightly less
in diameter, and fits on a 6cm long shaft that's less than 1mm in
diameter. It resembled the gear that you frequently see on the motor
shaft. I suppose I'll have to take some pictures the next time I'm at the
Perhaps I've got it turned round in my mind... I'm not looking at the
plotter at the moment.
> No, you get them 'locally'....
> Where 'locally' is either a misprint for 'luckily', or it's the name of a
> small hamlet in Wales, not marked on any map.
I've had that problem with some bolts in automobiles (American and
Japanese - the Germans are better at that sort of thing in my
> It's a clockmaking term for one of those pinions that looks like a small
> cage found in old clocks. You know, 2 disks fitted to the arbor (shaft)
> with holes in a circle near the edge. And pins (called 'trundles')
> joining them.
Now I can picture it.
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Received on Wed Jan 30 2002 - 19:00:10 GMT