1520 plotter (was RE: Your VIC-20 is worth $300!!! W_at_W!)

From: Ethan Dicks <erd_6502_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Wed Jan 30 20:15:16 2002

--- "Fred Cisin (XenoSoft)" <cisin_at_xenosoft.com> wrote:
> > > less than 2 millimeters diameter?
> > > 2 centimeters (~3/4 inch) is more what I can imagine in plotters.
> > O <
> ^
> OK, so the gear is smaller than the letter 'O' in 12 point type.

The diameter is slightly smaller than that - (the max height of a 12 point
letter is 12/72nd of an inch, or 1/6" or .167") 2mm was an appoximation
on my part on behalf of the Europeans reading. The actual size, as I've
posted before, is about 0.175" tall, about 0.145" diameter.

> That would certainly be more difficult to repair. I don't think that I
> would want to attempt to glue that back together!

Exactly. Any glue used would likely clog the bottom of one of the teeth.
> www.smallparts.com is a handy source for gears and stuff, but for
> something less than 2 millimeters diameter, you are definitely in the
> watchmaker realm.

It's not a flat gear... it's taller than it is across. The idea of a
slice of pinion rod is a good one, presuming I can find something with
the correct number of teeth and pitch.


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Received on Wed Jan 30 2002 - 20:15:16 GMT

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