About a month ago, I bought myself a laser printer. Specifically, a
Panasonic KX-P4400 (OK, so it's an LED printer, not a laser, big deal).
Unfortunately, the thing only has 1MB of RAM onboard. Panasonic want $400
for a 4MB upgrade board ($100 per megabyte? WHAT?) and Kingston have
discontinued their $40 clone. Sooo... Has anyone got a Panasonic "KX-PEM1",
"KX-PEM2" or "KX-PEM3" module lying around somewhere? Alternatively, the
Kingston Technology equivalents, "KT4400LP/2" or "KT4400LP/4" would be
Anyone got one of these boards they feel like parting with? Printing out
schematics on this thing is damn near impossible with only 1MB of RAM...
Contact me off-list if you've got one of the aforementioned boards; I
wouldn't want to end up pushing the signal-to-noise ratio on Classiccmp any
higher :-)
Received on Tue Jul 02 2002 - 16:07:10 BST