>Ethan Dicks wrote:
> > --- "Jerome H. Fine" <jhfinepw4z_at_compsys.to> wrote:
> > > Those daughter cards can be upgraded from 128K to 512K by replacing the
> > > 4164 DRAMs with 41256s and adding W1 and W2.
> > I can't remember how much memory is in each system. But if the
> > chips are 4164, I do have some 41256 chips I can swap. I might
> > need some help with W1 and W2.
> I'd be happy to help. It's a two-layer board, so it's not _too_
> hard to pull the old chips. The jumpers can be just a pair of
> wires (0 ohm resistors are nice - single black band, but not
> critical).
> Sockets are a good idea, and there's clearance for them - I checked.
> For mine, I was going to drop in a bunch of 41256s I pulled from some
> MS820 boards about 10 years ago (we needed some BIICs and they were $350
> new from DEC, or $50 when attached to a used 2MB memory card ;-). I
> have a chip tester and have verified that I've only ever lost one DRAM
> that I've desoldered that had its leads intact (and only a few by losing
> a lead).
Jerome Fine replies:
I have enough difficulty with soldering - the reverse is something
I doubt if I will ever want to tackle. If I have a change in the next
few weeks, I will try and look at the memory boards and see what
I have.
Sincerely yours,
Jerome Fine
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Received on Wed Jul 03 2002 - 21:43:41 BST