--- Doc Shipley <doc_at_mdrconsult.com> wrote:
> Hi, all.
> Will a Sparcstation 1 run OK with mixed parity & non-parity SIMMs?
> Each bank is a matched set, but I have 8 parity sticks and 8 non-parity.
> The "test-memory" diagnostic from the boot monitor seems not to mind,
> but I thought I ought to ask anyhow.
I would have told you no, but your experiences seem to show different.
I was under the impression that all SPARCs that take 30-pin memory
want parity. I _have_ put 16 x 4MB in mine (back when it was my
primary machine and had just paid $800 for it!), in case you've
read that it only takes 1MB sticks.
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Received on Sun Jul 14 2002 - 13:26:00 BST