Saturday was the local amateur radio club bazaar, and found a couple of
interesting things.
Probably the most interesting thing to me was an ICM816 calculator
produced in about 1971. A Google search gave a good web site for
information -
Also got a Commodore Plus/4 with the 1541-2 (I think) drive and a
printer. The most interesting Commodore item was a VHS cassette about
the Plus/4.
Found a Sparc 1 and have no idea of its condition although it looks
fine. If anyone wants it for the usual 1.2 x shipping, let me know.
I saw the IBM portable Tandy Data Terminal and (reluctantly) passed on
As usual, I volunteered to take everything that was left, and ended up
with probably 50+ computers, printers, monitors, etc. that will go to
the scrap yard and local thrift stores (a lot of LJ IIs, dot matrix
printers, 486s, etc.)
Received on Sun Jul 14 2002 - 22:52:00 BST