On Mon, 15 Jul 2002 14:47:58 -0700, Ross Archer wrote:
>I noted off a link on this list that somebody had
>a "modern" CP/M SBC based on the Z180 CPU.
>This, unfortunately, is no longer being made.
>P.S.: I'd love to see CP/M running at 20+ Mhz. :)
>-- Ross
Look here
Hello all,
I am working on a new single board computer design for CP/M & MP/M 80.
I want this to replace my present S-100 unit.
The design will be similar to Dave Brook's P112 design.
I will add an IDE interface.
If you have any ideas as to features I should include, message here.
Estimated completion date is 20XX ;).
For info on Dave's system visit:
MfG. Fritz Chwolka
>> collecting old computers just for fun <<
<< at www.alterechner.de >>
Received on Tue Jul 16 2002 - 01:59:00 BST