there's a 1982 "Semiconductor Data Book Hitachi IC Memories" on my desk,
and a scanner in the next room. The book has seven pages about the
HM6116LP-2, HM6116LP-3, and HM6116LP-4, including a general decription,
pinout, data tables, signal waveforms, and various diagrams.
I might send some GIFs by mail to you privately, or if somebody has a
place to make them available on the Web, please let me know. I don't
think Hitachi would mind. I didn't even find a copyright notice in the
Minimum Cycle Time for the "-3" version is 150ns, access times from
either chip select or address input are also 150ns.
Minimum VCC for data retention: 2.0V.
Anything else you need in advance?
Nothing about the Intel chip, however.
Patrick Finnegan wrote:
> I've 'rescued' a stack of HM6116LP-3 SRAM's from a circuit board. Apart
> from the fact that they're 2Kx8 SRAM's, I haven't been able to find any
> useful datasheets with both pinouts and timing diagrams for the chips.
> By any chance, does anyone have one laying around in PDF or that they'd be
> willing to scan? Minimally, I'd like to know the pinout, basic timing
> requirements, max clock speed, and data retention voltage.
> I've also removed an Intel P8291A, which has been just as hard to find
> information on, anything would be useful.
> Thanks!
> -- Pat
Andreas Freiherr
Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, Heilbronn, Germany
Received on Tue Jul 16 2002 - 13:11:01 BST