HP-IL (was Re: HP9000 model 710 workstation(Apollo 700).)

From: Eric Smith <eric_at_brouhaha.com>
Date: Wed Jul 17 23:33:50 2002

I wrote:
>> It might use HP-HIL, Hewlett-Packard Human Interface Loop.

Tony wrote:
> Are you sure that's _loop_? HP-HIL is not physically a loop. It's a
> point-to-point serial interface.

It's my understanding that electrically it forms a loop, because the
last device loops the data back. I could be wrong -- it wouldn't be the
first time.

> Amd there's an I/O card for the HP150 that adds an 8 bit parallel port
> (normally used for a Centronics printe) and an HPIL port.

Forgot about that one. I'd like to get one for my 150.

>> the 1LB3, pulse transformers, HP-IL connectors, passive components,
>> and documentation. I built an interface card for the Apple ][, which
>> almost
> IIRC, it also contained a couple of microcontrollers that contained the
> code to allow you to make the 82166 HPIL -> parallel converter. And
> some development software (HP41 DevIL ROM, HP75 IOCMDS lexfile). I've
> never seen this kit complete, but I do have what I believe to be the
> documentation for it.

I've scanned the HP-IL specifications and the HP-IL chip manual, but I
don't have the kit documentation, which had the schematics for the
converter and various other useful information.
Received on Wed Jul 17 2002 - 23:33:50 BST

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