Fwd: Old Computer seeking new home (IBM Pr Jr., NW Chicago)
>From: Nkjvcjs_at_aol.com
>Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 17:19:52 EDT
>Subject: Old Computer seeking new home
>To: jfoust_at_threedee.com
>I am looking for a new home for my IBM PC jr. I don't have room for it anymore, but It was my first computer that my daddy got for me when I was 4 years old, so I can't bear to throw it away.
>It is currently hooked up and working.
>It is the PC jr system with the 64kb internal memory expansion, the power attachment, two memory expansion sidecars and the printer parallel port attachment. It is the system with the internal modem. It also has the corded keyboard and color monitor, and dot matrix printer.
>I also have the basic cartridge and manual; DOS 5&1/2 floppies and manual; IBM writing assistant & IBM filing assistant with manuals; and Exploring the IBM PC jr floppies & manuals.
>I don't want any money or anything for it, just to know that it is going to a good home.
>I am in Illinois, Chicago western suburbs. Any help you can offer in finding it a new home would be appreciated.
Received on Mon Jul 22 2002 - 13:27:01 BST
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