Sellam Ismail wrote:
> Has anyone ever heard of a PaceMark Technologies IIEasy Print card for the
> Apple ][? You'd think it was some sort of printer interface with the
> name. However, the edge connector simply has power leads, no data or
> address. So this card cannot communicate with the Apple ][. I imagine it
> must have been a daughterboard for some other card?
> It has a copyright date of 1989 silk-screened on the board. It also has a
> DB-25 connector tail on the rear.
> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> International Man of Intrigue and Danger
> * Old computing resources for business and academia at *
The II Easy Print system was a 256K or 512K (expandable to 2 Meg)
self-switching buffered box that connected SuperSerial cards from up to
5 IIe's to the same ImageWriter II printer, though I recall hearing you
could get up to 7 working connections with a little effort.
On the IIgs and the Mac, it used ports (PCs were also supported).
Made by PaceMark and available through various Apple hardware dealers of
the day. Cost about $600 IIRC, for 5 connections and 512K.
The card you have is a buffer for the box.
Received on Thu Jul 25 2002 - 20:33:01 BST