At 02:12 AM 6/1/02 -0400, you wrote:
>The Pallet in the upper left of the second picture is the HP 7820? Which I
>think is actually a 7920 50 Meg removable pack disk drive. My 1981 HP
>catalog lists them at $14,000 to 18,000 new.
>The HP disk drive should be saved. There are very few left because they are
>such good clean aluminum and gold scrap. Those older HP drives are $$$ in a
>scrappers eyes and they would not even think of offering it to a collector.
>Few survive. Some even came with a HP-IB interface.
Apparently Norfolk has at least three 7920s, exclusive of this lot. See
Received on Sat Jun 01 2002 - 07:29:54 BST