At 01:25 AM 6/2/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>>"Jerome H. Fine" wrote:
>> I would like to set up an image of a CD in a hard disk file.
>> I understand that makeiso.exe does this in UNIX. Does
>> anyone have an executable version for Windows 98?
>I was just told that the name of the program is "mkisofs"
>in a Linux (or is that UNIX?). I want to be able to set
>up the file structure with "dummy" files every 65536 blocks
>so I can use the same files under both the iso file structure
>and the RT-11 file structure.
A quick Google search found 'mkisofs' from
The installation process is a bit convoluted, but it gives a
good set of Unix-like tools for Windows.
On the other hand, any of the bundled freebie CD burning programs
that come with $60 CD-R drives these days (such as Roxio Easy CD
Creator and Nero Burning ROM) will easily create an .ISO file for you
from a list of files, using their nice Windows GUI instead of the
'mkisofs' command line.
Although I have experience with true CD mastering back in
the days before CD-R, and the early days of CD-R, I don't
know enough about the .ISO file format to know whether
you'll be able to just dump 64K of blocks into a spot
in the .ISO in order to set those file systems. You've
figured that out already?
- John
Received on Sun Jun 02 2002 - 10:14:14 BST