I've used the little 7x5 dot LED displays from BGMicro
in my 8080 single board computers. They look great and
are daylight-readable. Problem is, that they are
almost completely stupid, come 4 in a 12-pin DIP
package, and require transistor drivers. The good
news, is that even lowly PIC's can be programmed to
drive them, which I've done for a few projects. I have
RS-232 going into the PIC at 1200 baud with a few
rudimentary "cusror" displays. Also, good news is that
they are of super quality (ceramic/glass), cost less
than $1 each (not nearly what they cost originally)
and I believe that they might be classified as
"daylight-readable". I think I have the code for a
16C84 around here somewhere. They also have much
smarter, but also larger, red and green displays.
--- Gene Buckle <geneb_at_deltasoft.com> wrote:
> > It might help konwing what the application is,
> since another copy of the same
> > device might be more easily found than a
> replacement part.
> >
> Dick, take a peek over at
> http://www.f15sim.com/center_ins.jpg. Look at
> the far right of the image. There is a cluster of
> engine instruments.
> The RPM, TEMP and FUEL FLOW indicators use 3, 4 and
> 5 digit odometer style
> displays. They're packing them into a 2.00"
> diameter instrument body. I
> need to be able to do the same with 7 segment
> displays because scratch
> building those mechanical numeric readouts would
> completely obliterate my
> budget. As it is, they're $150 each _without_ the
> displays.
> tnx.
> g.
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Received on Mon Jun 03 2002 - 19:22:14 BST