>Burning both audio cd's and um, archival copies of
>Playstation games (they were one of the first/best apps to do DAO copies
>back when
>the PSX first came out).
What luck have you had in duping a PSX disc? Does it work native or do
you still need a "mod" of some kind on the PSX deck?
I ask because I am still on the search for a non-"mod" way of doing
backups. And honestly, I am really only looking to do backups (no really
I am). My nephew likes to borrow my PSX discs now that I don't really
play them much any more, only he doesn't seem to grasp what a jewel case
is, and more often then not, I would get them back so scratched they
would no longer play. So I am looking for a way to backups so I can go
back to loaning him games and not worry about them being destroyed.
Received on Tue Jun 04 2002 - 11:51:48 BST