From: Jay West <jwest_at_classiccmp.org>
Date: Tue Jun 4 12:40:18 2002

Greetings fellow classiccmp'ers

For the next few weeks or so - I've decided that I need a total break from
list administration - a "vacation" if you will. I'll still be on the list
and read it (the threads that interest me) actively as always, but ALL list
administration/moderation/management duties need to be temporarily handled
by someone else for a bit.

Effective immediately any questions, comments, requests, suggestions,
complaints, etc. relating to either the cctech or cctalk lists should be
directed to Jeff Sharp. During my "list admin vacation" he is to be
considered completely empowered to make any and all decisions relating to
either cctalk & cctech. I have asked him to check with me before
implementing any really major changes, as I will definitely be taking list
administration back over in the near future.

This will also allow some renewed focus on getting the list FAQ whipped into
shape, some much needed changes to the classiccmp website, and yes, the
classiccmp mailing list archives getting straightened out (and searchable).

As a side note, once I get back from my "vacation" I will likely need a few
volunteers to help approve non-member postings, etc. I try to do that many
times a day right now, but it would be nice if a few other people checked
too once in a while to ensure things are timely.


Jay West

cctech mailing list
Received on Tue Jun 04 2002 - 12:40:18 BST

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