[OT] measuring DC wall wart

From: Chris <mythtech_at_mac.com>
Date: Fri Jun 7 18:15:53 2002

>Hey, you know what? I missed the beginning of this thread, but this is
>exactly the sort of behavior you get from a modem which requires a 9V AC
>power supply, when you run it with a 9V _DC_ supply.

Interesting. The wall wart I used with the modem is the one that was in
the box along with all the other assorted parts. The wart has a label
marking it as the same manufacturer as the modem, so I didn't even think
about the fact that it might not be the RIGHT wart. Maybe it is really
from a different model modem.

I didn't persue the issue much since the modem is a Global Village for a
Mac. They are great modems... IF you have the right software. Without it,
they tend to be a pain in the ass. Since I don't have the exact software
that shipped with this model, and since the firmware claims it is a
French-Canadian modem, and I only have US-English software... I didn't
waste much time working on it.

But maybe I will do a little more research and see if it really should
have an AC adaptor, not a DC one.


Received on Fri Jun 07 2002 - 18:15:53 BST

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