China bans toxic American computer junk

From: Richard Erlacher <>
Date: Sat Jun 8 14:57:27 2002

That whole family's both morally and intellectually "challenged," to put it in
Clintonese. The old man and two sons in politics, another son in severe
difficulty with the law, etc, thanks to his dealings with Silverado Savings &
Loan here in Colorado ... and the ol' man willing to start the Gulf war just
to distract the press from his son's trial. <sigh> And then there's the
swift payoff and coverup of his daughters' drinking thing ... It's a good
thing they're "just" women, and even better that he (Dubya) doesn't have sons.
His pop showed us all what a disaster that would be.

His pop opposes the Basel convention, and he (Dubya) opposes the Kyoto treaty
... <sigh> ... Neither of them understands the view the rest of the world has
of the U.S. based on, among other things, the fact that the U.S. is the only
nation in the world that's ever used a nuclear weapon in warfare ... and of
course, "birds of a feather..." they hang with the likes of Dick Cheney, Don
Rumsfeld, and, farther down the totem pole, that crookec witch, Gale Norton,
of whom we Coloradoans know considerably more than the rest of the country.
It's like he hand-picked all the slimy crooks from throughout the country and
appointed them.

you say
> The President makes policy, and We The People implement it. Current
> policy is to move us closer to the Apocalypse so we can fulfill some
> moron's religious mythology.
to which I add that it's Dubya's mythology, since he's the moron. The same
mythology that believes it's right to rape the west coast electric rate-payers
and then sweep it under the rug by bankrupting thousands with his supporters,
the Enron board, then cripple US medical research by limiting the legally
useable stem-cell strains to those owned by Texan companies, and then give the
fattest defense boondoggle contracts to Texan firms, e.g. Lockheed.

If you live in Texas, perhaps you'll benefit from what this guy does, but
don't hold your breath if you don't live there.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Sellam Ismail" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: China bans toxic American computer junk

> On Sat, 8 Jun 2002, Joe wrote:
> > >"The US is the only industrialised country to have failed to ratify the
> > >1989 UN Basel convention which calls for a total ban on the export of
> > >hazardous waste."
> >
> > >No surprise there. Of course we can't blame good ole W. for this one,
> > >we can blame his stupid dad.
> >
> > Why do you call him stupid? If they're willing to not only take it
> > but to actually BUY it then why shouldn't we sell it to them?
> I was referring to George Herbert Walker Bush's failure to get the UN
> Basel Convention (referenced above) ratified.
> But at any rate, why would you object to calling either Bush stupid? I
> find them to be completely devoid of any sense whatsoever, as their
> actions have proven.
> But I digress...
> > In any event, it's unfair to blame the prez for this practice. It's
> > the fault of the local garbage companies, recyclers, surplus companies,
> > computer manufacturers AND the American consumer.
> The President makes policy, and We The People implement it. Current
> policy is to move us closer to the Apocalypse so we can fulfill some
> moron's religious mythology.
> But, again, I digress...
> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> International Man of Intrigue and Danger
>  * Old computing resources for business and academia at
Received on Sat Jun 08 2002 - 14:57:27 BST

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