>Wait a week? The professional electronics suppliers over
>here offer next-day service as a matter of routine. If
>you pay extra, they'll guarantee to deliver by 9am.
>Do U.S. suppliers not offer that?
I know I can get that with MCM Electronics, but usually next day is
really next next day (for some reason whenever I try to do next day, they
screw it up and it doesn't ship until the next day, making it 2 day
My only problems with dealing with other sources than Rat Shack, is when
I need one or two cheap items. Sure, RS charges more for the item, but
when I am talking about $2 parts, the shipping alone will cost more than
the higher rate RS is charging. The other issue is some mail order
warehouses have minimum order prices. So again, when you only need $4
worth of parts, but they have a minimum of $25 orders, RS starts to look
better and better. (I can drive 5 minutes to the Mall, ignore the sales
drones, pay $6 for $4 worth of items, and get my project done today... or
I can mail order the parts, pay $25 for $35 worth of stuff where I only
NEED $4 of it right now, plus $7 on shipping, and wait a week, or $25 on
shipping and get it "next day", and finish my project in two days to a
Needless to say, Rat Shack still gets a chunk of my business... although
I do try to pool projects so I can make the $25 minimum order, and then
just use ground shipping and wait a week. But there are times when that
just isn't reasonable to fit my deadlines.
Received on Mon Jun 10 2002 - 18:25:30 BST