ard_at_p850ug1.demon.co.uk (Tony Duell) said:
> > > Agreed. I have never seen an experimental kit that covers computer
> > > interfacing. Maybe somebody should design one. Of course getting it to
> > > pass the EMC regulations (which are mandatory in the UK, even for kits)
> > > would be the expensive part :-(
> >
> > An exemption was negotiated for kits of parts, otherwise our kit industry
> Not AFAIK. There is no exemption in the UK for constructional kits (the
> ruling is that a kit, assembled according to the instructions, has to
> comply with all the appropriate directives). Nor is there an exemption
> for one-offs, even if only used by the constructor (!).
At a question and answer session with the Radio Communications Agnecy in 1996
when the legislation was being enacted, they stated that "Amatuer radio
apparatus is outside the scope of the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC so long as
it is not offered commercially for sale. If the kit, ie a set of parts, is
assembled by an amateur radio operator, it does not have to comply."
Also :
"Q: Is the home construction of non amateur radio electronic equipment
exempt from compliance with the legislation?
A: Not in the full sense, but again as above, the UK EMC Regulations do not
say the constructor has to demonstrate compliance for taking into service.
The kit is not being placed on the market in its finished form, but when
it is complete is being taken into service."
In other words it is the constructor who's responsible for the finished
product, not the supplier of the parts, and home built equipment doesn't
have to comply.
They also had in mind the absurd situation whereby you could build something
from instrucions in a magazine, but a company couldn't sell you all the parts
with instructions!
IIRC there are also specific exemptions for educational/training equipment
e.g. Open University etc.
You can judge that the situation was satisfactorally resolved by looking at
the large number of kit manufacturers in this country.
The EC don't 'arf make thing difficult!! ;-)
Stan Barr stanb_at_dial.pipex.com
The future was never like this!
Received on Tue Jun 11 2002 - 07:23:56 BST