I will take a look around... I MAY have an eprom... (for that matter an entire
no promises though.. as some memory in my head says I got rid of it long ago...
Greg Elkin wrote:
> David Barnes wrote
> > yupper.. all it is is an Eprom swap...
> >
> Excellent! I saw an archive post at http://www.classiccmp.org/mail-
> archive/classiccmp/1999-11/1530.html re the Viking QDT / QDO board & it
> mentioned the same PCB model/revision as this QTO one which made me hopefull.
> Next, I just need to get some kind soul with a QDT/QDO to send me an EPROM
> image...
> I tried to get the manuals Zane mentioned at ftp://zane.brouhaha.com/pub/dan
> but that fails for me when the FTP does PASV to Is it just me?
> > Always preferred the CMD SCSI qbus cards myself...
> >
> If one ever falls my way, I'll be happy too :)
> thanks,
> greg
Received on Wed Jun 12 2002 - 20:26:34 BST