On 14 Jun, Rick Bensene wrote:
> It is a Digital Equipment 3000, Model 600.
That is a nice machine. I have one too, but I can not afford to run it.
It produces to much heat. (As I have some other heaters running like
that 500MHz Alpha...) :-(
I am afraid to say that this machine may not be 10 years old. But I am
sure you will get dispense, as this thing is Cool Stuff (C) (R) (TM) and
nearly 10 years old. ;-)
> It's HEAVY.
Of course, it's DEC.
> Anyone know anything about this machine?
I know evertything about it. ;-)
> I haven't hooked up a console to it (it uses a
> funky RJ-style connector for the console port).
This connector is called MMJ, a DECism. google for pinouts...
> There is an old-style Centronics SCSI connector on the back,
Yes. It has two FastSCSI busses. One internal and one external.
> as well as old AUI-style 10Base2 connector for Ethernet.
And it should have a 10BaseT connector. You can select the Ethernet
port via a console environment variable.
> It also appears to have a built-in ISDN interface.
> There's three slots for option cards,
Yes. That are TurboChannel slots.
> and one haswhat appears to be some kind of color framebuffer card
This is the framebuffer, the type should be printed on the card.
(Somthing like PMAGB-B)
Do you have the keyboard / mouse break out cable? This cable has a SubD
15 at one end, and a little box with keyboard / mouse connectors at the
other. You need a DEC LK201 / LK401 keyboard and VSXXX mouse.
If you don't have it, look at the back. There is a litle switch (S3?)
that you can flip to force the machine to the serial console on the MMJ
> with a 3-pin (RGB?) D-style connector.
This connector is called 3W3 and it is RGB with sync on green.
> Can anyone tell me more about this machine?
Ask, if any questions left. :-)
> What processor does it use?
Alpha EV4 21064 175MHz.
> Is it VAX-like?
> Operating systems? VMS/Ultrix?
NetBSD, OpenBSD, perhaps FreeBSD
_no_ Linux
_no_ Ultrix
If you want a free *ix, go with NetBSD. The upcoming NetBSD 1.6 release
will support some of the framebuffers for console and even X11.
If you happen to have a Tru64 license, try it. It is a nice, BSDish *ix
that can Move Big Rocks (C) (R) (TM).
If VMS is your taste, you have the perfect machine to run it.
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Received on Sat Jun 15 2002 - 11:56:56 BST