Does RF output equal Composite?
No, Composite != RF RF ihnput is modulated to TV frequencies, channel 3 or
4, composite is a composite color/sync signal on 1 wire (with ground)
At 10:44 PM 6/15/02 -0500, you wrote:
>On Sat, 15 Jun 2002, Doc Shipley wrote:
> > OK, now that I've exposed myself as an inveterate non-gamer.
> > If I have RF output (VHF Channel 2 or 3), can I run a composite
> > cable into the Video In jack of my VCR and get a picture?
> OK, I obviously wasn't as clear on the keyboard as I was in my mind.
> Timex Sinclair 1000 - RF output, VHF Channel 2 or 3
> TV, no spade/screw VHS input
> VCR has composite Video In, selected by switch.
> I'm not getting any picture at all running a composite cable from the
>Timex to the VCR Video In. Do I need to make a Rat Shack run, or does
>the Timex have a problem?
> Doc
Received on Sat Jun 15 2002 - 23:28:31 BST
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