I've noticed that my MV3100's SCSI host ID's are set to 6 - I thought
this odd, as host ID's are usually 7. Are all MV3100's set to 6, or is
mine unique? Anyway, I thought since my PC's host ID is 7, I could
connect my SCSI tape drive to both systems. So I ran a cable from one
connector on the back to my PC, and a cable from the other connector to
my MV3100. I figure it's a properly terminated chain, as each host
controller is terminated (I know the PC is, I assume the MV3100 is).
It *seems* to work OK. But can anyone tell me for sure if this is
"legal"? I'm sure I'm looking for trouble if I try to use the same tape
drive from both systems at the same time, but as long as I don't do
that, is this an okay setup? It would sure beat changing cables every
time I want to move the tape drive from one system to the other.
- Bob
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Received on Sun Jun 16 2002 - 09:42:16 BST