Philips and auction finds (was: I hate Radio Shack)

From: <(>
Date: Tue Jun 18 04:49:27 2002

On 2002-06-17 said to
>>Back to something more on topic... This last week at auction, I
>>picked up one of the oldest cd writers I've ever seen, which is
>>ironically made by Philips. It appears to have a SCSI interface,

Why is this ironically? Philips and Sony developed the CD standard
together, so it would be natural that the oldest writers are Philips
and Sony ones. Sadly I don't have one, they were incredibly expensive
in those days. I do have the CM-100 and CM-110, the earliest Philips
CD readers. Those were built like tanks and still work today.

Geldrop, The Netherlands
Member of Insomniacs Anonymous

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Received on Tue Jun 18 2002 - 04:49:27 BST

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