On Jun 18, 13:40, Geoff Reed wrote:
> There are SCSI sharing devices out there that will allow one device to be
> hooked to 2 machines concurrently.
You can do it directly providing the controllers (and their hosts) are
well-behaved (which lets Windows off the hook). Back in the days when a
SCSI disk of any size cost nearly as much as the computer you might want to
attach it to, one enterprising company produced a system for the Acorn
Archimedes which allowed six Archimedes computers to share one SCSI disk
(and, I think, to "talk" to each other). I saw it working at an
exhibition, and I think it was made by Lingenuity. You might be able to
get more information from their sister comapany, Lindis:
http://www.lindis.co.uk, or from Jack Lillingston at Castle Technology:
(no that's not a typo, it is uk.co not co.uk)
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Received on Tue Jun 18 2002 - 17:57:14 BST