Up For Trade; Was Re: Timex Sinclair 1000....

From: Doc <doc_at_mdrconsult.com>
Date: Wed Jun 19 00:28:23 2002

On Wed, 19 Jun 2002, Glen Goodwin wrote:

> Also, what tapes do you have? I'm working on completing the entire set as
> produced by Timex Computer Corp. and might be interested.

  Ah, relief. I've been writing batch files for MS-DOS-sessions-under-
Windows-so-the-luser-can-just-click-an-icon. Bah.
  Let's see....

  * - Cassette, jewel box, black&red insert, instruction insert
  + - cassette, jewel box, instruction insert
  - - cassette, instruction insert only

  *The List Manager
  *The Check Book Manager
  -The Mixed Game Bag I # has black&red insert, just no jewel box
  +Mixed Game Bag II
  *Mixed Game Bag III
  +The Organizer
  *The Coupon Manager
  +The Gambler
  +The Budgeter

  Also came with User Manual, Service Contract, 16k RAM pack
instructions, 90-day Limited Warranty statement, self-addressed

        Timex Product Service Center
        P.O. Box2740
        7000 Murray Street
        Little Rock, Arkansas 72203

and the Timex Sinclair Software Catalog, Fall Issue. Which has a
register tape stapled in for what looks like 6 s/w titles _at_ $10-$17, and
a $49.95 item I'll guess was the RAM pack.

  I'm open to trades for the whole shebang. The large strap on the back
of the PCB was broken loose at the solder joint (near the voltage
regulator.) I did a nice neat job of repairing it - they left more than
plenty of solder to do it. Other than that, it looks and works just
fine. The keyboard is pretty impressive, response versus appearance.
It looks cheesy as heck.... No worn pads/labels, and I haven't
discovered any dead keys yet.
  If untested tapes are a showstopper, I bet I can round up a mono
player to test them.
  I really don't want to part it out.
  I also don't expect to get a whole lot for it.

Received on Wed Jun 19 2002 - 00:28:23 BST

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