Computers in Public Xport
> You surely must have had wheels on the AR88--(was it a D or an LF?)
> Or are you a Charles Atlas lookalike? ( I guess that dates me!)
Wouldn't be so sure of that
When I was about 14 I took a B40* home from Lisle St** to Tonbridge (30
miles) by public transport. 10 stone weaklings 'r us!
* The Navy equivalent to the AR88 - built for a battleship ... and looks and
weighs it!
** Now that _really_ dates me ... of the three centres of surplus kit in
London (Lisle St area, Tottenham Court Road, Edgware Road) only one shop
survives in Edgware Rd and it's a poor shadow of its previous incarnation.
Received on Wed Jun 19 2002 - 06:42:44 BST
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