Silly: I can make a connector in no time flat....or send u one....but
they only fit the 15 pin plug on the vs3100 console!
Let me know. U get the vre01 going in exchange. I can
only do b/w on the vs3100 console in netbsd. Or decterm in vms, crude. I
can do 1000x800 in X on a matrox/millennium card but I have some small
problems and it is not perfect enough for me
-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Bill Bradford
Sent: Tuesday, 18 June, 2002 12.19
Subject: Re: VS4000/60 and VRE01 problems
On Sun, Jun 16, 2002 at 11:42:35AM -0400, Fred deBros wrote:
> I suspect the framebuffer is not compatible.
> I have an xf86config file that works graphics on the vre01
> But on the 3100/76 and on the vt1200 the vre01 works in b/w and with
> the on-board framebuffer. Does the 4000/60 have similar output???? I
> should go ck myself as I have one of those...
It does, but I gave my cable for that to Doc. 8-(
Bill Bradford
Austin, TX
Received on Wed Jun 19 2002 - 17:13:55 BST