A VAX 6610 is rolling toward my garage ...

From: Paul Thompson <thompson_at_new.rr.com>
Date: Thu Jun 20 12:30:52 2002

On Thu, 20 Jun 2002, Eric Dittman wrote:

> Don't forget the HSJs allow SET HOST/DUP and the HSZs allow
> SET HOST/SCSI. The HSDs also allow SET HOST/DUP. I'm not
> sure about the HSGs and HSVs.

HSG's allow SET HOST /SCSI (I admit I have not tried it in VMS, but HSZ's
and HSG's use the same /usr/lbin/hsxterm utility which is the Tru64 unix
equivalent of SET HOST /SCSI).

You can do the equivalent of SET HOST /DUP in ULTRIX (and I believe in
Tru OSF 64) with the dupterm utility. You need dup support compiled into
your kernel.

> The HSx controllers also have a serial port, so you can
> connect them ports to a terminal server and telnet to
> the ports that way.

Received on Thu Jun 20 2002 - 12:30:52 BST

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