On Thu, 20 Jun 2002, John Allain wrote:
> +AD4- the TC200, with the Digital brand on it.
> +AD4- Check out the picture on my web page...
> http://world.std.com/+AH4-mbg/tc200.jpg
> +AD4APg-I have a thingie here called a DEC-VT12, from 1982.
> +AD4APg-It's a Termiflex with two-line LED alphanumeric display,
> Here's the older DEC box (larger,
> no internal modem) in photo as promised.
> http://www.panix.com/+AH4-allain/vt12.jpg
> John A.
Okay, what is the root of the evil behind these strange `+AH4' `+AD4'
and `+AD4Pg' special character escape sequences showing up in the above
message? I think I smell Microsoft, and it smells bad.
Received on Thu Jun 20 2002 - 16:59:32 BST