--- Doc <doc_at_mdrconsult.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, Ethan Dicks wrote:
> > The problem is that for DEC RX50s, they are _not_ 360K or 1200K 5.25"
> > disks... they are single-sided, 10-sectors of 512 bytes per track, 80
> > tracks.
> I _hate_ it when dd won't work! And it won't, at least in Linux --
> there's apparently no device which reads/writes 80/10/512 on 5.25"
> floppy. I can't find anything for NetBSD, either.
I did find a device on the Linux side of the boxin question with something
close - it's double-sided, though. If it matters, I think it's running
an ancient Slackware distro (4.0?) 2.0.36 kernel. I only upgrade software
at gunpoint. I haven't tried anything with it yet, due to the DS nature.
I suppose I could go digging in the source and create a minor device
number that did what I want, at least in terms of geometry. The one I'm
looking at, BTW, is minor number 120 (IIRC), if that even is a portable
quantity. Major numbers aren't once you start fiddling with devices and
recompiling the kernel.
> However, I did find this --
> http://www.conknet.com/~w_kranz/WTELEDSK.HTM
> a TeleDisk clone that "should" compile in Linux, but didn't. I didn't
> try hard....
Thanks. I'll look into that.
> I guess maybe now I have a burning drive (pun intended) to learn C....
I got that covered.
> > I have a wad of Ultrix 32m and MicroVMS diskettes...
> Ooohhh.... Ultrix! Will it run on KA630 or KA655? The PUPS version
> of 32M is like 11/780 or older or something.
They came from our MicroVAX-I or MicroVAX-II, c. 1986-1987, so the KA630
should be no problem. Dunno about the KA655, though. My newest Qbus CPU
is a uVAX-II (got RAM, but no CPU). I think it all fits on an RD52; an
RD53 would be plenty of room.
> Erzatz-11 eval says you can read-write RX50 on a HD 5.25" drive. I
> expect that emulators, or at least E-11, will like those....
I guess I can go that route, too. I hadn't dug into E-11 enough to know
that I could use a real 5.25" drive with the emulator. It begs the
question, though - how well does a *real* RX50 drive work with a PeeCee,
with or without E-11? Any advantage?
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Received on Fri Jun 21 2002 - 12:40:37 BST