> >Alex White wrote:
> > Can you describe all the PDP OSen and variants out there?
> > *grins*
> > Alex
> Jerome Fine replies:
> YES!!
> *grins* (You just asked "Can you" - not to actually describe them!)
> Now, to actually describe them "all", I don't think it is worth while
> to spend all that amount ot time (a few centuries) or the space. But,
> The major 3 are (there are many more):
> RSX-11
Shoot, that one statement covers, what, 9 OS's?
> RT-11
There are so MANY more than this!
For a partial list see the PDP-11 Emulation Webpage:
For a "complete" list see:
Depending on how you count there is something like 20-34 different OS's.
Received on Mon Jun 24 2002 - 15:38:06 BST