Can anyone identify this board for a Heath H-89?
The connector blanks shown in the picture are factory standard of the later
models, and they included a BLANK for 488. I agree, I don't think Heath
ever made a card to implement it, buy my '89 has the 488 blank on it also.
The only IO positions populated would indicate a 3-port Serial, and an
extern floppy I/F of some sort (they supported 8" and Hard and Soft 5 1/4"
of various densities.
I remember seeing third party adds (in the day) for add-on graphics
capabilities, but don't really remember how they were installed. ISTR that
they were replacement boards for the terminal board, but I could be wrong.
The reason I asked was, as a kid, I drooled over the ability to do pixel
graphics on a CP/M machine. I wonder if this would be a cheap way to pick
on up? Probably 0 documentation on it. Maybe I'll email him....
> From: Dwight K. Elvey []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 11:49 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Can anyone identify this board for a Heath H-89?
> Hi Gary
> The list of ports would lead me to think it was expanded
> I/O. The 89 didn't have such things as a 488 port.
> Dwight
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