ebay deals do happen

From: Joe <rigdonj_at_cfl.rr.com>
Date: Thu Jun 27 11:53:40 2002

At 08:35 AM 6/27/02 -0700, Sellam wrote:

>The reason that Altair processor card got that amount was not because of
>the card itself but because of the 8080 processor on it. Apparently, a
>few chip collectors creamed their pants over it because it was an Intel
>C8080, harboring some manner of significance to them.
>The buyer was "prepared to go well over $1000 for that chip". That chip
>is apparently listed as having a value of $1,800 on one collector's site.
>Gee, it's like the classic computer craze of 1999 all over again.

   Geez, I should pull the 8080 CPUs out of my Intel MDS 800s and hawk them. Plastic CPU would work just as well and I could use the money :-)

Received on Thu Jun 27 2002 - 11:53:40 BST

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