I THINK that the issue here is the C8080 vs the
C8080A. The "A" version had some improved electrical
drive characteristics. I sold a C8080B to someone for
$200 and a C8080A to replace it in my display ( which
I wanted anyway). Go figure!
--- Sellam Ismail <foo_at_siconic.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Jun 2002, Erik S. Klein wrote:
> > According to the buyer the C8080 is ultra-rare
> (Rare as in 4
> > or 5 known to still exist) so the money he spent
> was very
> > reasonable under the circumstances.
> I guess that depends on how you define "reasonable"
> (I imagine it is as
> "reasonable" as paying $5,000+ for an IMSAI) but I
> don't want to open that
> Pandora's Egg Basket again.
> > I'll have to check mine again. I'm now pretty
> sure that at
> > least one is an 8080A and probably both.
> What does a C8080 look like anyway? If I can
> currently get $1,800 for it
> then I'll gladly sell it if I have one.
> Sellam Ismail
> Vintage Computer Festival
> International Man of Intrigue and Danger
> http://www.vintage.org
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Received on Thu Jun 27 2002 - 21:05:50 BST