>She's about 3 inches in diameter. Maybe not the biggest you've ever seen,
>but pretty much the biggest that's ever come out of my garage.
I get at least one that size a year in the fire stair well next to my
office (where I store most of my good computer parts... it pays to be
friends with the local fire inspector). Although the ones I get don't
look like that. Rather they are all black, with thinner legs (not quite
as menacing looking, mine look like over grown black house spiders).
But it was funny when the exterminator couldn't get one to die last year.
He sprayed and sprayed, and the thing just kept relocating. He claimed
the stuff should have killed it on contact (and it seemed to kill all
other insects on contact). After about 8 squirts he gave up and stepped
on it.
Received on Fri Jun 28 2002 - 00:11:29 BST