Help booting CTOS/BTOS

From: Doc Shipley <>
Date: Fri Jun 28 19:26:08 2002

  I'm looking for either a boot disk image for a Convergent Technologies
B26 (CP-001/9) or some help managing the normal boot sequence.
  The B26 has a hard disk, and boots perfectly from it. The only
problem is that it boots directly into an application (or OS? OZ 4.1?)
that requires a login. Which, of course, wasn't taped to the bottom of
the keyboard or anything. :)
  It looks like the thing is willing to boot from floppy first, but it
doesn't like me DOS 3.1 or 3.2 boot disk, or anything else I've tried.
I'm reasonably sure it's a 720K DSQD drive.
  I'd like to find a CTOS boot floppy, so I can maybe edit the login
files on the hard drive, or help interrupting or altering the boot
sequence so I can bypass the login and do it. I have been able to go to
a boot menu rather than booting automatically. Holding the spacebar
during reset gets to:

V 9.2

but I don't know where to go from there.
  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Received on Fri Jun 28 2002 - 19:26:08 BST

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