On Fri, 28 Jun 2002, Ron Hudson wrote:
> I talked to our "bug lady" (who was here on paper wasp business at my house
> this morning) She declined to let me identify company or personal name. But
> from the pictue she said it was most likely a Wolf spider, but it might have
> been a brown recluse. She also said the proper thing do do with the beast
> was not to loose it in a local park, but to offere it to your cities
> "Agricultural" department.
> I don't know if Oakland CA has and "Agricultural" department....
Well, I'm actually in Livermore, which most likely does have some sort of
Ag department being that we have a vibrant wine-making industry.
At any rate, I considered keeping her for the local high school or
community college science department but didn't think it would be fair to
keep her couped up in a glass until I could get her to one of those
As far as the appropriateness of letting it loose in the "wild", we all
deserve to run naked and free through the woods.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
* Old computing resources for business and academia at www.VintageTech.com *
Received on Fri Jun 28 2002 - 23:00:24 BST