thinning out my Apollo collection

From: William S. <>
Date: Fri Mar 1 07:09:36 2002

It is time for me to thin out my Apollo
"herd". I have 8-Apollo's and plan on
keeping only 2. They are DN3500's and
DN3000's. Most are complete but a few are
missing power supplies. I also have
a bunch of keyboards, accessories.

They were/are running the Domain OS
(the ones I powered up).

Most came from one source in the UK.

You can see a picture at:

I am trying to make more room for
my VAXen. Plus, I want to share and
give others a chance to have one.

They are here in Amsterdam, NL.
I can help you with finding a freight
forwarder if you want to go that route.

Contact me directly for more information.


Amsterdam, NL
Received on Fri Mar 01 2002 - 07:09:36 GMT

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