What really irks me are comments like this:
--start the loop
--end the loop
--assign the value 34 to A
In other words, asanine comments that add no value
whatsoever to an explanation of the purpose of
statements or routines. I would rather have two lines
at the top of a routine explaining what it does and
why than 500 comments like the above. Comments like
these are caused by managers who demand X number of
comments per Y lines of code and/or extremely
egotistical and/or lazy programmers.
As far as write-only code is concerned, I can write
clear, understandable code in many languages; I can
also write absolutely incomprehensible code in those
same languages!
--- Frank McConnell <fmc_at_reanimators.org> wrote:
> "R. D. Davis" <rdd_at_rddavis.org> wrote:
> > Also, remember that obfuscated code is an art form
> that should bring
> > bonuses and raises to programmers skilled in this
> art. Besides, a
> > programmer who can't read so-called "difficult to
> read code," with no
> > comments, isn't a real programmer. :-)
> No comments? I think you're forgetting the
> potential of comments as
> things whose maintenance is a lesser priority and
> whose relationship
> to the code may therefore differ from the reader's
> expectations.
> -Frank McConnell
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Received on Fri Mar 01 2002 - 09:02:37 GMT